2Osmaniye State Hospital, Clinic of Urology, Osmaniye, Turkey
Objective: Overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms affect quality of life. The current study evaluates the relationship between anxiety and OAB in young male patients in Turkish society.
Methods: Male patients aged 18-35 years, diagnosed with OAB between 2015 and 2020, were included in the study. OAB query form (OAB-V8) was filled by participants. Hamilton anxiety scale (HAM-A) was used to evaluate the anxiety levels of OAB patients. OAB-V8 scores were compared statistically before and after anxiolytic treatment of anxious patients.
Results: The mean age of 87 patients was 26.28±4.53 (95% confidence interval: 25.5-27.2) and the mean OAB-V8 symptom score was 24.96±5.7 (14-36). The OAB-V8 symptom score in the group without anxiety (group 1) and the group with moderate anxiety (group 2) improved significantly at 1 month compared to the pre-treatment period (p<0.001). When the OAB-V8 symptom scores in the third month were analyzed, the 1st group who didn’t receive anxiolytic treatment and the 2nd and 3rd group scores receiving anxiolytic treatment were 9.6±1.8, 11.2±3.2, 10.6±2.8, and significant change in all three groups compared to the 1st month was observed (p<0.001).
Conclusion: In patients with anxiety, the problems caused by OAB are significantly higher than the normal population. In our study, HAM-A anxiety scores were found higher in patients with OAB. OAB is a common condition that can be seen in the young male population and may accompany anxiety. Treatments combined with multidisciplinary approaches are highly effective in these patients.