Otolaryngology mainly deals with the organs that are located inside the body and bony compartments. This makes the diagnosis and treatment complicated to some extent. Inventions and advancements in new devices help doctors to identify and cure the diseases rapidly and effectively. In addition, target-specific therapies prevent nearby structures from the adverse effects of the treatment. The aim of this review was to search the database and to limit our search for the last 10-year period. New devices are emerging daily, and some new inventions might be overlooked. The most commonly used ones or interestingly efficient inventions that relieve the need for surgery are considered. Furthermore, the most commonly used multidisciplinary devices are thought to be beyond the scope of this review. In addition to otological genetic treatments, genetic advancements are not mentioned. For easy reading, topics have been further divided into subsections of otolaryngology as well as chronologically classified. Unfortunately, the database provided no support for the overall use or beneficial studies about those below-mentioned devices.