
Zika Virus


  • Orhan Şahin
  • Veli Mihmanlı

Received Date: 01.08.2016 Accepted Date: 29.09.2016 Eur Arc Med Res 2016;32(1):29-36

Zikavirus (ZİKV) is a mosquito-borne virüs that is linked to Flavivirus genus. Despite of limited published only sporadic cases in Africa and Asia since discovered in 1947, in this day and age the emergence and spreading rapidly of Zika virus in South Americas takes the attention of global health authorities unlike in thepast. Although Zika virus infections are asymptomatic around 80%, symptomatic patients may predominantly have maculopapular and pruritic rashe and other mild, self-limiting, and non-specific complaints like fever, arthralgia, myalgia, fatigue, headache etc. On the other hand, severe manifestations have been indentified, including Guillain-Barre syndrome in adults and microcephaly in babies born to infected mothers. Currently there is no identification of Zika virus in our country yet. Neverthless, especially Aedes types mosquitos have been seen in south-east Turkey and increase in international traveling demonstrates that there is a potential that this situation can present itself here as well. This is why healthcare providers should be more careful and well prepared.

Keywords: microcephaly, mosquito-borne viruses, Zika virus