Case Report

Spondylodiscitis of the Lomber Spine Caused by Staphylococcus Aureus in a Patient with Pulmoner Tuberculosis: Case Report


  • Tarık Akman
  • Bahadır Alkan
  • Adem Bozkurt Aras
  • Mustafa Güven
  • Şule Koşar
  • Hasan Ali Kiraz
  • Murat Coşar

Received Date: 02.04.2013 Accepted Date: 14.08.2013 Eur Arc Med Res 2013;29(3):164-167

Lomber spinal spondylodiscitis are rare, but rapidly progressive infections, diagnosis of which are usually delayed because of misdiagnosis in the beginning and therefore the results may be serious. Nowadays, with the development of new diagnostic methods, especially magnetic resonance imaging, it is possible to diagnose the lomber spinal spondylodiscitis and plan the treatment according to this.

Owing to early diagnosis, significant decreases in morbidity and mortality rates have been reported. As in our case, surgical intervention in patients suspected of lumbar spine spondylodiscitis is important to prevent permanent neurologic sequelae. Also requires a multidisciplinary approach.

In this article, a surgically treated case of lomber spinal spondylodiscitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus in a patient with primary pulmonary tuberculosis has been presented.

Keywords: lomber spinal spondylodiscitis, primary pulmonary tuberculosis, staphylococcus aureus