Case Report

Regression of Malignant Melanoma which Occured in the Basis of a Nevus: Case Report


  • Şenay Erdoğan
  • Çağlar Çakır
  • Enver Yarıkkaya
  • İlknur Mansuroğlu
  • Deniz Özcan
  • İlker Üsçetin
  • Çağdaş Orman

Received Date: 24.03.2013 Accepted Date: 26.03.2014 Eur Arc Med Res 2014;30(2):105-107

Spontaneous regression of malignant melanoma (in radial growth phase) is a common feature and its association with poor prognosis is a well known fact. Regression can be seen without clinical signs. In complete regression; melanoma cells in the epidermis was lost, but in the partial regression; melanoma cells can be found in the epidermis. In our case, a malignant melanoma which is developed on the basis of a nevus with regression features is presented.

Keywords: malignant melanoma, regression, nevus