Case Report

Primary Hyperaldosteronism (Conn Syndrome) and Anaesthesia: A Case Report


  • Fulya Baturay
  • Ayşın Ersoy
  • Nurdan Ünlü
  • Aysel Altan

Received Date: 27.12.2010 Accepted Date: 20.01.2011 Eur Arc Med Res 2011;27(3):167-169

Clinical characteristics of primary hyperaldosteronism are normotension or hypertension, hypokalemia, sodium and fluid retention depending on excessive aldosteron secretion. We aimed that to report the anaesthesia management of this hypertensive patient with peculiar peroperative anaesthetic risks who developed end- organ damage despite regular medical treatment he was receiving.

We conceive that in similar cases, preoperative regulation of hypertension, proper premedication, limitation of additional fluid replacement with balanced solutions, avoidance of hyperventilation and usage of low dose neuromusculer blocker agents can prevent occurrence of potential complications.

Keywords: Conn syndrome, anaesthetic complications