Original Article

Our Surgical Therapy Experiences at Perianal Fistules


  • Sezgin Zeren
  • Erman Sobutay
  • Birol Ağca
  • Ali Durmuş
  • Kazım Sarı

Received Date: 04.02.2011 Accepted Date: 26.03.2011 Eur Arc Med Res 2011;27(2):76-78

Perianal fistulas usually arise from chronic anorectal abscesses, and progress by relapses.

Sixty-two cases which were operated between January 2007 and December 2010 have been examined retrospectively. The age, sex, presenting complaints, fistule localization and surgical therapeutic modality of the cases were registered. There were 54 males (87 %), and 8 females (13 %) with a mean age of 36,3 years. Their presenting complaints are discharge from the fistula and associated pain. There were 39 intersphincteric (63 %), 13 transsphincteric (21 %), 5 suprasphincteric (8 %) and 5 extrasphincteric fistulas (8 %). Fistulotomy and curettage for 42 (67.7 %), fistulotomy and curettage and seton for 11 (17.7 %) and only fistulectomy for 9 cases (14.5 %), were performed respectively. Relapses occurred in 3 cases. Also, wound infection was seen in 3 cases after the operation. Fecal incontinence was nat developed in any. The effectiveness of surgical therapy for perianal fistulas is related to the localization of the fistula and surgical experience. The effectiveness of the surgical therapy can be assessed by development of the relapse and anal incontinence.

Keywords: Perianal fistula, fistulectomy, seton procedure