
Infections in Drug Addicts


  • Funda Şimşek
  • Mehtap Oktar
  • M. Taner Yıldırmak

Received Date: 27.11.2014 Accepted Date: 23.12.2014 Eur Arc Med Res 2014;30(2):115-119

Drug addiction is a worldwide growing, multifactorial health problem. Addictive drugs have hallusinogenic/stimulative effects and they cause a deep somnolence and lethargic state after a short period following intake of the substance. Rapid tolerance develops to most of these substances and increasing amounts are required to get the same effect. Drug addiction has detrimental effects on the economical and personal social status including the relationship between family members and friends. HIV, Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus and sexually transmitted diseases are more common among intravenous drug users. The substance itself, sharing needles, unsterile conditions, unprotected sexual contacts and multiple sexual partners all lead to increased infectious diseases in these group of patients. Education of the patients about infectious diseases, syringe exchange programs, use of vaccines and diagnosing the accompanying psychiatric conditions will prevent and decrease the rate of infectious diseases. Commonly drug addictives have also concommittant psychiatric disorders, therefore a psychiatrist should be a member of the management team. Because it is a common health problem the fight against drug abuse should be made. Especially in our country with increasing number of young population, people should be informed about the significance of drug addiction and that it is a serious medical problem.The cause of the infectious diseases in drug addicts should be well understood and preventive and therapeautic approaches should be tailored individually. Public and drug addict should be informed sufficiently.

Keywords: drug user, infection, intravenous