
Musculoskeletal System Diseases in Geriatric Patients


  • Berrin Hüner
  • Esma Demirhan
  • Sevgi Atar

Eur Arc Med Res 2013;29(2):75-88

Musculoskeletal diseases are the diseases that seen frequently at every moment of life from birth to death. Some of these diseases are seen more abundantly in geriatric patients compared to youngers as a natural outcome of age gain. Besides systemic changes developing in the body during the innate course of age gain need to be more cautious for he treatment of these diseases. In this section disorders reflecting a special importance from point of proportional frequency, diagnosis and treatment in musculoskeletal system of geriatric patients will be mentioned.

Keywords: geriatric patients, crystal arthropaties, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis