
Migraine in Pregnancy: Maternal and Neonatal Health Outcomes


  • Neriman Çağlayan
  • Ümran Yeşiltepe Oskay

Received Date: 03.12.2013 Accepted Date: 19.01.2015 Eur Arc Med Res 2015;31(1):34-38

Migraine is a common disorder in women of reproductive life. Although migraine may show improvement during pregnancy, in some cases attacks may continue, or even worsen. Today, studies show that migraine threatens the health of mother and baby. The maternal outcomes of migraine are reported as ischemic stroke, preeclampsia, hypertensive disorders, myocardial infarction, heart disease, pulmonary embolism, venous thromboembolism, thrombophilia and placenta abruption. The neonatal outcomes of migraine are shown as preterm birth, neonatal losses in perinatal period, cerebral palsy, low birth-weight infants and infantile colic. Mothers and babies should be monitored for the possible risks during the pregnancy and after the birth.

Keywords: migraine, maternal outcomes, neonatal outcomes