
Medical Treatment of Obesity


  • Mine Adaş
  • Meral Mert

Received Date: 15.05.2014 Accepted Date: 10.06.2014 Eur Arc Med Res 2014;30(1):50-55

Overweight (Body Mass Index ≥25) and obesity (Body Mass Index ≥30) are global epidemics. Because of associated co-morbidities, obesity adversely affects mortality, morbidity and quality of life. In this context, it is essential to develop ways of preventing more people from becoming obese. When prevention fails, treatment may be necessary. Several different strategies have been used to treat obesity including diet, exercise, behavior therapy, medications and surgery. Criteria for selecting among these treatments involve evaluating the risks to the individual from obesity and balancing the risks against any possible problems with the treatment. Because all medications inherently have more risks than diet and exercise, the decision to use medications should only be made for people for whom the benefit justifies the risk.

Keywords: obesity, drug, medical treatment