
Diabetes Mellitus and ENT


  • Yavuz Atar
  • İmran Aydoğdu
  • Ziya Saltürk
  • Tolgar Lütfi Kumral
  • Yavuz Uyar

Received Date: 05.05.2015 Accepted Date: 15.07.2015 Eur Arc Med Res 2015;31(1):7-11

Diabetes mellitus, may predispose to important ENT disorders by showing degenerative effects to neurovascular structures. Malignant otitis externa, sudden hearing loss, progressive hearing loss, peripheral vertigo, mucormycosis, xerostomia are the main diseases that can be considered. Additionally, it may cause complications in surgical treatment either by causing delay in wound healing, or medical treatment with corticosteroids. For this reason diabetic patients should be followed closely and regulation of blood sugar should be achieved by following with the laboratory tests.

Keywords: dibetes mellitus, hearing loss, vertigo, mucormycosis, malign otitis externa