
Current Situation on Measles, Rubella, Mumps and Chickenpox Vaccinations


  • Sezen Özkök

Received Date: 11.07.2016 Accepted Date: 24.09.2016 Eur Arc Med Res 2016;32(1):20-23

Despite the vaccinations developed with the advanced technology, diseases which can be prevented via vaccines still cause morbidity and mortality worldwide. Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Chickenpox are highly contagious diseases observed especially in children. However, they can be diagnosed in adults, too in case childhood vaccinations are neglected or immunity level decreases over time. These diseases can be prevented using effective vaccination programs. Adults whose immunities weakened or never developed are exposed to higher risks against these diseases due to job or travel related reasons. Therefore, it is required to immunize the people who are under higher risk.

Keywords: contagrous diseases, immunity, vaccine