Case Report

A Rare Cause of Acute Appendicitis: Endometriosis on the Appendix Vermiformis


  • Deniz Necdet Tihan
  • Emrah Mehmet Bayam
  • Uğur Duman
  • Kazım Şenol
  • Murat Sıvacılar
  • Emir Eroler
  • Ahmed Taha
  • Özgür Dandin

Received Date: 10.04.2015 Accepted Date: 11.10.2015 Eur Arc Med Res 2016;32(3):182-184

Acute appendicitis is the most common cause of acute abdomen. In surgery clinics, appendectomy is still the most frequent urgent surgical procedure. The basic pathophysiology of the acute appendicitis is the luminal obstruction of appendix vermiformis for various reasons. In general, fecaliths are the cause of these obtructions. However, acute appendicitis may occur because of an unusual reason such as intraepithelial endometriosis foci in appendix.

Keywords: acute abdomen, appendicitis, appendectomy, ectopic tissue, endometriosis