
Current Approachs to Urogenital System Injuries in High Energy Trauma Exposed


  • Recep Burak Değirmentepe
  • Emre Can Polat
  • Alper Ötünçtemur

Received Date: 04.05.2017 Accepted Date: 14.06.2017 Eur Arc Med Res 2017;33(1):78-86

Although genitourinary system traumas constitute 10% of all trauma cases, they are an important issue. In injuries due to the use of firearms, large parenchymal injuries are observed in the organs and are usually accompanied by multiple organ injury. In the first evaluation of firearm injury, the characteristics of the gun and the ballistic of the bullet are important factors. Due to terrorist incidents and civil wars, there has been an increase in injuries with highpowered weapons todays. In this review, we summarized current approaches to high-energy injuries of the genitourinary system.

Keywords: ballistic, genitourinary trauma, high-energy injuries